1 February 2018, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for the Sciences and Arts, Hertogstraat (Rue Ducale) 1, Brussels, Belgium
The theme of the seminar
A decade ago systems of programme accreditations and evaluations were the main feature of the European QA landscape. In recent years a trend towards implementing institutional reviews can be clearly discerned across Europe. Although QA systems that feature institutional reviews display a large variety, some common themes for discussion come to the fore. At the heart of these lies the reality that the quality of education rests with the teachers and students in the programmes of study. Therefore, one of the most important questions for HEIs, agencies, and policy makers is how programme quality can be assured in a system of institutional reviews.
This seminar was organised by ECA and NVAO on 1 February 2018 in Brussels. The presentations and pictures taken are now available.
The theme of the seminar
A decade ago systems of programme accreditations and evaluations were the main feature of the European QA landscape. In recent years a trend towards implementing institutional reviews can be clearly discerned across Europe. Although QA systems that feature institutional reviews display a large variety, some common themes for discussion come to the fore. At the heart of these lies the reality that the quality of education rests with the teachers and students in the programmes of study. Therefore, one of the most important questions for HEIs, agencies, and policy makers is how programme quality can be assured in a system of institutional reviews.
This seminar was organised by ECA and NVAO on 1 February 2018 in Brussels. The presentations and pictures taken are now available.
Programme ECA-NVAO seminar-1 Feb 2018
Participants list ECA-NVAO seminar 1 februari 2018-final
Institutional and Programme Reviews in Europe: The State of the Art
Presentation Tia Loukkola-EUA
Workshop 1: Programme quality in institutional reviews: the views of higher education institutions
Presentation Katja Ebel-Heidelberg University
Presentation Messas and Ravenhorst-MusiQuE-Royal Conservatoire The Hague
Workshop 2: Challenges in the transition from programme accreditation to institutional accreditation
Presentation Wolfgang Bock-TH Regensburg
Presentation Sandra Bejsak-ASHE
Presentation Klemen Subic-SQAA
Presentation Madalena Fonseca-A3ES
Workshop 3: Using risk analysis and indicators to assure programme quality in institutional reviews
Presentation Lund-NOKUT
Workshop 4: Audit trails and programme quality in the second round of Dutch institutional audits
Presentation Thomas de Bruijn-NVAO
Presentation Nynke Dijkstra-Hanze UAS
Workshop 5: The Flemish institutional reviews and the conduct of QA of programmes
Presentation Pieter Caris-NVAO
Presentation Roelen-Verachtert-Vermeiren-University of Antwerp
Discussion on statements
Presentation Axel Aerden-NVAO
Click here to view the photos taken during this event.
Photos by Andy Blanko