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Agreements adopted by the General Assembly on 30th of June 2021

On 30 June 2021 the ECA members have appointed a new Chair and Vice-Chair as well as the FinancialCommittee. The current composition of the Board is thefollowing: Chair: Solange Pisarz, HCÉRES, (France)Vice-Chair: Eva Fernandez de Labastida, UNIBASQ (Spain)Treasurer: Luut Kroes, NVAO (Netherlands) Members: Ronny Heintze, AQAS (Germany)Klemen Šubic, SQAA (Slovenia) ECA Financial Committee: Luis Carlos […]

ENIC-NARIC: Recognition of foreign qualifications in times of COVID-19

The reflection note “Recognition of foreign qualifications in times of COVID-19. A reflection document for the ENIC NARIC Networks and their stakeholders”, has been produced by the ENIC-Bureau/NARIC Advisory Board in collaboration with the LRCC Bureau on COVID-19 and recognition. You can find the paper here:

Yodak, Quality Assurance Agency in North Cyprus has joined ECA as observer

On 30 June 2021 was held the ECA General Assembly. Among other issues, the agreement to join YÖDAK, Quality Assurance Agency in North Cyprus as an observer of the ECA was adopted. YÖDAK was established as an autonomous public agency (non-profit) for Quality Assurance in North Cyprus in 2005. Objectives of YODAK are the Internationalization of Higher […]

ECA Training “Assessing Joint Programmes” 2019 in Cologne

ECA Training “Assessing Joint Programmes” took place on 10 and 11 October 2019 in Colognepp. Venue AQASQuality Assurance Agency in the field of Higher EducationHohenstaufenring 30–3250674 CologneGermany How to get to AQAS: AQAS can be reached by three international airports. Your final destination is the station „Zülpicher Platz“. AQAS is situated at Hohenstaufenring 30-32 (7th […]

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