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ECA Certification Group is installed

ECA has installed its Certification Group – which ensures overall consistency for the implementation of the ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation by a system of qualitative evaluations of the applied methodology, i.e. assessment procedures and reports. This Certification Group includes representatives of agencies with relevant expertise in the assessment of internationalisation. The Certificate is organised as […]

ECA participates in FAIR project

ECA is one of the project partners in the EU funded project Focus on Institutional Automatic Recognition (FAIR).  By exploring the practical implementation of automatic recognition of qualifications, the project team builds further on the work of the Pathfinder Group on Automatic Recognition.  The project aims for faster and more consistent recognition decisions, thereby improving […]

Joint Programmes in Ireland

The Higher Education Authority of Ireland has published a report by Dr Frank McMahon on “Joint and double/multiple degrees in Ireland”. The report lists the joint programmes that are being provided by Irish universities and other bodies with full awarding powers, the Institutes of Technology and private colleges. Institutes of technology have delegated awarding powers […]

CHEPS study on bureaucratic burden of quality assurance

On December 8th, the Dutch parliament received a CHEPS study on external quality assurance in higher education systems in several countries, focusing on Flanders, Germany, Austria and Norway. The study aimed to find out how in those systems the bureaucratic burden of quality assurance is perceived and what is being done to reduce the burden. […]

Two new members join ECA

At the occasion of the ECA Seminar in The Hague on 10 December 2014 the General Meeting of ECA has unanimously approved the membership of the following agencies. HCERES – High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, France UKÄ -Swedish Higher Education Authority, Sweden ECA now counts 15 members in 11 countries. Warm welcome to […]

Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation to be launched

At the occasion of the ECA Seminar in The Hague on 10 December 2014 the General Meeting of ECA approved the Terms of Reference for the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation and agreed on the establishment of the Certification Group. This will enable the award of the ECA Certificate in 2015. More information will be available soon […]

New Mutual Recognition Agreement in Engineering

Thirteen authorised agencies associated with ENAEE have signed a Mutual Recognition Agreement. They agree to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the bodies responsible for recognising engineering qualifications and/or for registering or licensing professional engineers to practice in its country or jurisdiction, accept the comparability of EUR-ACE® labelled programmes accredited by authorized agencies.

ECA responds to the EU progress report on QA

The Board of ECA has approved the following response to the EU progress report on quality assurance in higher education: ECAs response to the EC reports on progress in QA in HE    

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