2018-ECA-NVAO Seminar “Institutional and Programme Reviews: Towards New Combinations”

1 February 2018, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for the Sciences and Arts, Hertogstraat (Rue Ducale) 1, Brussels, Belgium The theme of the seminar A decade ago systems of programme accreditations and evaluations were the main feature of the European QA landscape. In recent years a trend towards implementing institutional reviews can be clearly discerned […]
ECA Annual report 2017
ECA Annual Report 2017-signed
2017-ECA Workshop on 22-23 June in Paris

On Thursday 22 and Friday 23 June 2017 the annual ECA Workshop was hosted by HCERES in Paris. The ECA Workshop hosted by HCERES in Paris took place on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 June 2017. ECA members, observers and experts particpating in the working groups were invited to attend. Programme Programme ECA Workshop 22-23 June […]
2016-ECA-NVAO Winter Seminar: Quality Assurance of Cross-Border Higher Education

15 December 2016, Parkstraat 28, The Hague Thursday 15 December 2016 in The Hague Cross-border higher education (sometimes also called transnational education or TNE) is an increasingly important phenomenon in Europe. Some higher education institutions are considering to set up a foreign campus abroad, others are confronted in their homeland with competition from foreign institutions. […]
2016-ECA Summer Workshop

was hosted by ACSUG in Santiago de Compostela on Thursday 30 June and Friday 1 July 2016 Nineteenth ECA Workshop & Third annual meeting Association ECA Presentations Presentation ECA Santiago_EnEO Presentation ECA Santiago_HEInnovate Presentation ECA Santiago-IMPACT-FAIR Presentation ECA Santiago-QA System in Flanders (2015-2020) Programme Draft Programme ECA Workshop Santiago de Compostela 29-30 June 1 July […]
ECA Summer Workshop and Annual Meeting 2016

2015-ECA-NVAO Seminar

3 December 2015, Parkstraat 28, The Hague “National Implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes” Description The Ministers of the EHEA adopted the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes on 14-15 May 2015 in Yerevan. The purpose of the European Approach is to ease external quality assurance of joint programmes. In […]
2015-18th ECA Workshop

24-25 June 2015, Hannover, Germany Documents Relevant documents Participants ECA Workshop Hanover 24 25 June 2015 2015-06-24-LB-Yerevan 2015-06-25 -WG 2-Certification Group 2015-06-25-WG 3 2015-06-25-WG 4 Host Evaluation and accreditation in teaching and learning, higher education governance and management are ZEvA’s main fields of activity. Since 1995, ZEvA has also been active in the field of […]
2015-ECA-NVAO Seminar

3 December 2015, Parkstraat 28, The Hague “National Implementation of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes” Description The Ministers of the EHEA adopted the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes on 14-15 May 2015 in Yerevan. The purpose of the European Approach is to ease external quality assurance of joint programmes. In […]
2015-Assessing the Quality of Internationalisation

The CeQuInt Conference – 26 & 27 February, Paris (France) The CeQuInt Conference – 26 & 27 February, Paris (France) This conference focuses on quality in internationalisation and aims to answer the most pertinent questions from a quality assurance perspective. What is considered quality in internationalisation? How can a programme or an institution self-assess its internationalisation? […]