News and Events

ECA Webinar “The Global Recognition Convention: Impact On Transnational Education”

On 26 February 2021 was held the webinar “The Global Recognition Convention: Impact On Transnational Education”, Considering the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, ECA wanted to promote the dialogue among its members and is organizing a series of webinars. This webinar focused on recognition and particularly on the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education, which was adopted by the UNESCO General Conference in November 2019.

The Global Convention aims to facilitate international academic mobility and exchanges of students, teachers, researchers and job seekers, while promoting the right of individuals to have their higher education qualifications evaluated through fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manners. It is also expected that the Global Convention will strengthen international cooperation in higher education and contribute to raising its quality worldwide. In this webinar, experts on the matter of recognition and transnational education discussed the potential impact of the Global Convention on transnational education.

The following speakers participated:

  • Jenneke Lokhoff. President of the ENIC-NARIC Networks. Senior Policy Officer at Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalization in education.
  • Andreas Snildal. Senior Advisor for International Relations. Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).
  • Fabrizio Trifiro. Head of Quality Benchmark Services. UK NARIC

Pdf presentations of the Webinar are available here: 

Video presentation: Here you can find the complete video presentations of the Webinar

let's talk!

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