News and Events

Presenting Certificate for Excellence in Internationalisation at Eurie Summit

This week, ECA had the privilege of participating in the Eurie Summit held in Istanbul, where we showcased our experience with the CequInt Certificate for Quality of Internationalisation.

ECA Chair, Eva Fernandez de Labastida, shared insights into the frameworks used by ECA member agencies to identify excellence in internationalisation. Joining her was Libardo Gutiérrez Mengual from Universidad de la Salle (Bogota), who illustrated his university’s significant progress in internationalisation over recent years.

The panel discussion, expertly moderated by Ronny Heintze, Chair of the ECA Certification Group, drew a full house of attendees from around the globe. Discussions centered on success factors for quality in internationalisation and the essential institutional support and strategy needed for success.

Remember, the CeQuint label for Excellence in Internationalisation can be conferred by ECA member agencies for both programs and institutions. For detailed requirements, visit

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