CTI, the ECA member agency, hosted an annual international conference “COLLOQUE ANNUEL DE LA CTI”. It took place on 11 and 12 February 2019 in Saint-Etienne. “Quality and internationalisation” was one of the main topics of the event.
ECA Board members – Maciej Markowski and Ronny Heintze, were invited to contribute to the sessions on the strategic aspect of internationalisation and tools and measures of its quality.
Maciej Markowski gave a short overview of the approaching challenges to the quality assurance resulting from the European Universities initiative. The presentation reflected the ECA discussions and works on the forthcoming ECA position paper on the quality assurance of the European Universities.
Ronny Heintze discussed the issues of the assessment of quality of internationalisation with particular focus on the framework and methodology of the ECA Certificate of Quality in Internationalisation (CeQuInt).
More information on the event can be found here: https://www.cti-commission.fr/en/colloque-annuel-2019
We would like to congratulate CTI for the very interesting event!