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FAIR project website online

ECA is one of the project partners in the EU funded project Focus on Institutional Automatic Recognition (FAIR). The project aims for faster and more consistent recognition decisions, thereby improving the mobility of students in the EU and EHEA. The kick-off meeting took place in January 2015. The FAIR project website is now online and […]

ECA participates in FAIR project

ECA is one of the project partners in the EU funded project Focus on Institutional Automatic Recognition (FAIR).  By exploring the practical implementation of automatic recognition of qualifications, the project team builds further on the work of the Pathfinder Group on Automatic Recognition.  The project aims for faster and more consistent recognition decisions, thereby improving […]

New Mutual Recognition Agreement in Engineering

Thirteen authorised agencies associated with ENAEE have signed a Mutual Recognition Agreement. They agree to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the bodies responsible for recognising engineering qualifications and/or for registering or licensing professional engineers to practice in its country or jurisdiction, accept the comparability of EUR-ACE® labelled programmes accredited by authorized agencies.

First joint programmes accredited on the basis of MULTRA

The Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) has recently recognised accreditation decisions taken by two German accreditation organisations regarding two joint programmes in European Studies. This makes the first mutual recognitions in the context of MULTRA a fact. On the basis of an accreditation by the German Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von […]

3 new agencies authorised to award EUR-ACE label

 Three new agencies are authorised to award the EUR-ACE label to the engineering degree programmes which they accredit. Among these agencies is ECA member ANECA. The signing of a Mutual Recognition Agreement which will facilitate greater recognition of engineering degree programme is announced to take place in Brussels in November 2014. PRESS RELEASE  

Costa Rican agency SINAES joins MULTRA

The National Accreditation System of Higher Education (SINAES) of Costa Rica enters the Multilateral Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Accreditation Results regarding Joint Programmes (MULTRA). On 19 March 2014 in San José (Costa Rica) Sonia Marta Mora, the President of SINAES, with Rolf Heusser the Chairperson of ECA as witness of honour, signed the  c Mutual Recognition of Accreditation Results regarding Joint Programmes (MULTRA). […]

Flanders regulates recognition of degrees in line with ECA principles

On 10 July 2013, the Parliament of Flanders (Belgium) amended legislation allowing the government of Flanders wide competences to regulate the recognition of foreign degrees. The government can now draw up regulations to declare either the level of a foreign degree equivalent to the Flemish degrees (Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree) or to fully […]

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