Automatic recognition in Benelux expanded

The five ministers responsible for higher education in the Benelux have signed an agreement on the automatic mutual recognition of the qualifications ‘associate degree’ and PhD in the Benelux. Since 2015 this agreement already existed for bachelor and master degrees and is now being expanded. Click here for more information.

European recognition report published

The FAIR report is the end result of the EU-funded project ‘Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition‘ (FAIR): FAIR report The report contains recommendations to further improve the recognition of foreign qualifications in Europe in the framework of international student admission and selection. ECA contributed to FAIR as a project partner.

ANQAHE and ECA sign Memorandum

The Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ANQAHE) was established in 2007. The aim of ANQAHE is to ensure and strengthen quality assurance in higher education of the Arab region. To reach this aim ANQAHE engages in cooperation with similar organisations in the Arab region and other international networks. As ECA also aims to cooperate […]

Supporting student mobility: the Groningen Declaration

“Citizens worldwide should be able to consult and share their authentic educational data with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want”. This is the goal of the Groningen Declaration, an important international initiative that supports student mobility and international recognition of qualifications but is still little known in the field of quality assurance. […]

Joint Quality Initiative: The Origin of the Dublin Descriptors

As the Bologna Process moves forward with new Communiques, reports and actions taken we should remember that sometimes significant progress is made by a small group which then evolves into something bigger. A good example is the Joint Quality Initiative (JQI) which made an essential contribution to including quality assurance and qualifications frameworks in the […]

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