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Mutual recognition of higher education diplomas in Benelux

The five Education Ministers of the Benelux have approved a decision whereby Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees awarded by higher education institutions in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg will be automatically recognised throughout the Benelux. This Benelux agreement is the first example of reaching one of the commitments made by Ministers of the European Higher Education […]

Good practice from Laurea (Finland) published

A new good practice in internationalisation has been published on ECA’s Internationalisation Platform. The good practice concerns a Learning by Developing operational model as developed by Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Vantaa, Finland. Click here for the description of the good practice

New EUR-ACE Framework approved

A new version of the EUR-ACE Framework Standards and Guidelines has been approved. EUR-ACE® is the European quality label for engineering degree programmes at First Cycle (Bachelor) and Second Cycle (Master) level. For more information on the revised framework please read the letter below. EAFSG ECA

Accreditation and Recognition of Medical Schools

  Author: Marta van Zanten*   Accreditation is frequently viewed as a powerful tool for quality control and improvement of medical education programs, yet accreditation practices vary considerably worldwide.  The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) collaborates on various initiatives to enhance the quality of medical education accreditation, including the implementation […]

Sweden probes the evaluation of doctoral education

The Swedish Higher Education Authority, UKÄ, has launched a new model for evaluating doctoral education. A pilot round started in March 2015. After the completion of the pilot round by June 2016, the evaluations of doctoral educations are expected to start in the Autumn of 2016… read  more

FAIR project website online

ECA is one of the project partners in the EU funded project Focus on Institutional Automatic Recognition (FAIR). The project aims for faster and more consistent recognition decisions, thereby improving the mobility of students in the EU and EHEA. The kick-off meeting took place in January 2015. The FAIR project website is now online and […]

Hans de Wit: What is an International University?

Hans de Wit is Director of the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation, or CHEI, of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy, and professor of internationalisation of higher education at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. Email: Over the past few years a series of buzzwords – global citizenship, comprehensive […]

Is US accreditation moving away from the accountability function?

The US Senate seems intent to refocus accreditation to become mostly aimed at improvement and to scrap some of its accountability functions. In white papers released by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions accountability functions such as the link between accreditation and institutional eligibility for federal student aid and the powers of […]

European project on university-business cooperation completed

University-business cooperation (UBC) is currently one of the key strategic challenges facing higher education in Europe. It holds implications for support for graduates’ career success, international mobility, modernisation of curricula and the more practical orientation of higher education in general. In a survey among 700 enterprises and enterprise associations in Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Spain […]

ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation launched at CeQuInt Conference.

Around 150 participants from 20 countries attended last month the ECA Conference “Assessing the Quality of Internationalisation” in Paris France. The conference focused on quality in internationalisation and answered the most pertinent questions from a quality assurance perspective. In the framework of the CeQuInt Project co-funded by the European Commission, quality assurance and internationalisation agencies have developed and tested in 12 […]

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